An engineering web platform for controlling the construction and building processes.
PlatformsWeb & Mobile
Services / DeliverablesPM, UI/UX, Front-end and Back-end development, QA

Multiple tools and apps are available for the construction and engineering industry, while there is no handy online tool combining all processes under one hood.
Streamline the construction planning and development processes in the building & engineering industries, by creating a one web app for all related processes management.
The Solution
Our team created an advanced and detailed online tool for managing all aspects related to the planning, construction and building processes.
This large project consists of different tools and services, working in conjunction together to provide a whole range of tools for different groups of users: designers, architects, engineers and managers.
Process Tools
Phase Plan, Whiteboard, Needs Lists are different modules of this app which provide an interactive and clear access to the related business processes about the construction.

One of the most important parts of the system is a scheduler, which makes it possible to visually organize all phases of development in a form of interactive board.

Detailed Schedule, Filters, Data Import
Multi-level detailed scheduling screens, with the ability to filter the data based on different parameters and settings, as well as import/export data into the external data sources.

Email Notifications and Alerts
Flexible alerts system was developed to make sure each party of the project development gets all information needed in time.

Advanced Forms & Data Processing
This project includes lots of advanced popups, editors and forms, all specifically targetted for concrete goals.

Consistency & Design System
In order to keep the design and interactivity of the system in a consistency across all of the modules, design system was developed and prepared as a guideline for the developers to work with.

Dark and Light Themes
The interface of this project supports the dark & light modes for the design, depending on the account settings.

Adaptive Design
Working with large data sets and forms could be painful at the small mobile screens, so special adaptive views were developed to reduce the amounts of information displayed for mobile users, focusing only at the most important stuff.

The following technologies were used in order to develop this project:
- PHP (Laravel)
- Python
- Amazon RDS
- PostgreSQL
- React JS
- TypeScript
- React Native
- AWS S3
- AWS CloudFront